If you play sports, especially contact sports like football, hockey, or basketball, you know the importance of protective gear. You wear a helmet to protect your head, pads to cushion your body, and mouthguards to prevent injuries to your teeth and jaw. In this article, we will focus on dental sports guards, also known as mouthguards or mouth protectors, and why they are essential for athletes of all ages.

What are dental sports guards?

A dental sports guard is a custom-fitted or boil-and-bite plastic device that covers the teeth and gums to protect them from impact during sports activities. It typically covers the upper teeth but can also cover the lower teeth in some cases. Dental sports guards are made of a variety of materials, including ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and thermoplastic. They are available in various colors and designs, and can be customized to fit the athlete's mouth for optimal protection and comfort.

Why are dental sports guards important?

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), dental sports guards are critical for preventing dental injuries during sports activities. A dental sports guard can protect the teeth, gums, and jaw from impacts that can cause chipped, broken, or knocked-out teeth, fractured jaws, and other serious injuries. It can also help prevent concussions by absorbing the shock of a blow to the head.

Dental sports guards are especially important for children and teenagers, as their teeth and jaws are still developing and are more susceptible to injury. The ADA recommends that children and teenagers wear dental sports guards during any activity that involves a risk of injury to the mouth or head, including sports, skateboarding, and biking.

How to choose a dental sports guard:

There are three types of dental sports guards: stock, boil-and-bite, and custom-fitted. Stock dental sports guards are pre-formed and come in standard sizes, while boil-and-bite guards can be molded to fit the athlete's mouth by boiling in water and biting down on the guard. Custom-fitted guards are made by a dentist or orthodontist and are customized to fit the athlete's mouth precisely.

Custom-fitted dental sports guards offer the best protection and comfort, but they are also the most expensive. We usually only recommend custom-fitted guards for full grown athletes to avoid the expense of replacing the guard as the athlete grows.

Boil-and-bite guards are a more affordable option and can provide a good fit with proper molding. Stock guards are the least expensive but offer the least protection and comfort, as they are not customized to the athlete's mouth.

How to use a dental sports guard:

To use a dental sports guard, it is essential to clean it before and after each use with mild soap and water or an antibacterial mouthwash. Store it in a well-ventilated container that is labeled with the athlete's name to prevent contamination. Replace the guard when it becomes worn, damaged, or no longer fits properly.

Dental sports guards are an essential piece of protective gear for athletes of all ages and skill levels. They can prevent dental injuries, jaw fractures, and even concussions. With proper selection, fitting, and care, a dental sports guard can provide the best possible protection and comfort for the athlete. If you're an athlete, talk to your dentist or orthodontist about getting a custom-fitted dental sports guard to protect your teeth and jaw during sports activities.